Postal 2 eternal damnation

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Why does the Bible mention that the wicked will be turned into ashes? If the wicked are being kept alive forever and ever, then they would not be ashes. Why does God say we should choose between life or death? Why not life or eternal torture? (Deut 30:19) 5. Why does God say in Ezekial that the soul that sins it shall DIE? (Eze 18:4) 4. How come in the entire Law and well the Old Testament not once is anything about being tortured forever in fire mentioned? Surely when God was setting out His blessings and cursings, He would have mentioned it. How come God told Adam and Eve they would die if they disobeyed? He never mentioned anything about torturing them forever.

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You know what else is not in the Bible? Eternal torture. Go to and do a key word search and put in ice cream and walk in the park.

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Some guy told me that in the bible Jesus said that its a sin to eat ice cream, especially vanilla with chocolate sirop and sprinkles on the top.